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Within Marketplace, we have created an option so that you can see any tasks that are currently assigned to you and your organisation. Tasks can be anything from approving an invoice to a reminder to submit a request, basically anything that requires your input.
Viewing Tasks
To view your tasks, look for the tasks icon on the left-hand navigation bar. It will look like this:
The number next to the icon indicates how many outstanding tasks you have. Click this icon and you will be taken to the list of tasks.
The layout of tasks will depend on whether you're a Client or a Supplier, but the principle is the same. They are actions that require your attention. You can page through the tasks, and also change the number of tasks per page, using the controls at the bottom of the list:
To action a task, click anywhere on the task line and this will take you to the relevant section of Marketplace so you can complete the request
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