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Projects are an important part of the relationship between your organisation and Bloom. They form the basis of all work carried out between a Client and a Supplier, as well as a foundation for Bloom to progress your requirements.
The projects section can be accessed by clicking the icon on the left-hand menu:
This will open up the main project view page. The view is nearly identical for Clients and Suppliers, with the only difference being who the project is associated with.
You can use the search bar at the top of the projects list to find a particular project by name or ID:
You can also use the controls at the bottom of the list to page through your projects or increase the number that is shown on each page:
To access a project, simply click anywhere on the project row and this will open the project detail screen.
Project Detail Screen
The project detail screen is broadly the same for both Clients and Suppliers and will display full details for the project itself:
Please Note: The ability to edit a project is restricted to the Client or to Bloom users, and is not available to Suppliers. More information can be found here: Projects - Clients: Editing projects
Project Actions
At the top of the detail page, you have a number of tabs which will take you through various options:
- Overview - A general overview of the project, otherwise known as the project detail screen
- Requests - Entries created by either the Client or the Supplier along with the current status of the request. More information can be found here: Projects: Requests and Request History
- Invoices - A list of the current invoices associated with the project. More information can be found here: Invoice Management
- Tasks - Tasks that are associated with the particular project. You can see all your tasks under the task viewer. More information can be found here: Viewing Tasks within Elevate
Project Details
If you are a Client, and you have permission to edit the project, then you may do so by clicking the Edit Project button. More information on editing projects can be found here: Projects - Clients: Editing projects
Below the project detail you will see:
- Project Budget: The total amount assigned to this project
- Remaining Budget: The remaining total amount available for the project
- Forecasted Spend: The total amount that is forecasted for the project
Project Line Items
The final section of the project detail screen will display all the line items associated with the project, along with key metrics for the line and current status. Clicking any of these line items will take you to the project line detail. More information can be found here: Projects: Line Item Detail
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